May 25, 2007

I'm Ready for the Weekend!

These past 9-5, what kind of life is this for me?
I've gotta break out of my grind!!
Gotta be set freeeeee ....
Wanna go ..... wanna go ..... wanna go .... AWAY!
I'm ready for the weekend!!


Five Bucks Short was a favorite band of mine in my early days of high school. They're still great! At least that song is, today especially. Work has completely drained that youthful energy I had at our wedding and throughout our honeymoon --- having a few days off and to spend with Mike is going to be good for me. And him ;-) Because my "to-do" list at work grows exponentially every day I go into the office, I have brought home quite a bit of work I'd like to get accomplished while I'm home --- if for nothing else, to make the next 3 weeks of work bearable!! We don't really have too many plans for this holiday weekend --- we want to rearrange the guest bedroom / office and possibly get a new desk that allows us to organize all of our stuff a little better. I think it'll make us both a lot happier to have a functional room instead of a room that collects all of our "where should be put this" stuff. So a few hours tonight and tomorrow should pay off in the long run. Maybe I'll take some pictures :)

We're off to enjoy our afternoon now --- both of our employers sent us home at noon so we're taking advantage of the surprise and the sunny weather!

1 comment:

  1. Don't stress too much...Your wonderful new husband and that fabulous puppy are what you should enjoy this weekend!!!
