July 4, 2007

A new month, A new post ...

I seem to be on a cycle of updating this once a month. My sincerest apologies to my dear friend Tiff ... I do keep up to date on reading yours, if that is any consolation for always missing your phone calls (today I was sleeping or outside with Molly .... and now that it's nearly midnight and I just received your voicemail, I've decided it might be best to update this and call tomorrow).

I think things here might finally slow down a bit now. Here's a brief re-cap on all of the latest happenings:

Sara's wedding was beautiful, but unfortunately I don't have many pictures to post. I started crying before I even left my house (it took me 1.5 hours to get to Williamsburg, so luckily no one there realized this ...) and again at the church. Surprising because this means I cried more at her wedding than my own. Mike had to work this day, so I made the trip up to Williamsburg by myself. Luckily, I met two of Sara's friends from Bowling Green before the reception officially started and wasn't sitting alone with plate of food while I waited for the wedding party to arrive! Sara looked amazing and it was very nice to see her parents and sister again too --- made me feel like I was at home again.

It was nice having Ethan around for a few days for Boardwalk, and he delivered FIVE TUBS of books when he came. My mom didn't seem to catch my specific request for books I've read in the past 3 years, not all of the books I've ever purchased in my entire life. But at least now they're here. Still in tubs. Waiting for me to put them away. I suppose I might get around to it at some point before we move. Boardwalk was a great success --- I would complain about having to get up and be in Virginia Beach (30 minutes away) before dawn on a regular basis for an entire week, but I like being down there early in the morning. The weather was horrible on Thursday, not much better on Friday, but great for the weekend. I learned more than I bargained for about special event sponsorship, used up my entire monthly plan for minutes talking to just one sponsor -- or came close at least, spent many hours looking at wonderful artwork, had great moments with my co-workers, enjoyed free ice cream cones! All of the pictures are at work, but maybe I'll post some during a lunch break :)

Our trip up to Mackinac Island for Megan and Jimmy's wedding was great, minus the 3,000 miles of driving and the mild smell of horse crap on the island once we got there. It seemed to bother everyone else a bit more than me, so perhaps being raised in a town where cow and pig farms provide the livelihood for close to a majority of the people has its benefits. We arrived in Huron (Ohio) on Wednesday and spent the day sleeping, running some errands, spending time with his family and catching dinner with his best friend Jeffrey. We headed up to Mackinac Island on Thursday morning and arrived around 1 or so I think. We had delicious meals at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, spent some time catching up with family, explored the island, bought some fudge, watched Megan and Jimmy tie the knot and had a great time. The island there is so clean --- minus the horse crap mentioned above -- and I don't think I've ever seen a place so natural. I'd been to Mackinac Island a few times when I was younger, but I sure don't remember it being so clean! We drove back down to Huron on Saturday, watched some movies with Colleen and relaxed with the family (minus Megan and Jimmy who remained on the island and rode 10 speed bikes with baskets to the highest point of the island so that they could carry their beer along --- priceless, I think). On Sunday, we made our way back to VA, picked Molly up from Andrea and Brad (thanks for keeping an eye on her all week --- we think she had as good a time as we did!) and celebrated the end of our insane travel schedule. We've been here ever since -- hallelujia!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE to travel.
I think I've just had too much of the same 64-295-95-495-270-70 trip.
I'm ready for something different.
Perhaps Georgia?! ;-)

Sara & Jonathan's Wedding
Williamsburg, Virginia
June 9, 2007

I predict many years of happiness for this couple :)
They're just too darn cute!

Mike & Molly
Chesapeake, Virginia
The day we got her a Sherpa Bag, June 2007

Mike and I getting ready to board the ferry over to Mackinac Island
Mackinaw City, Michigan
June 21, 2007

Mackinaw Bridge from the ferry
Lake Huron
June 21, 2007

Cars on the bridge!!

Thank goodness for a windbreaker --- that wind was chilly!

Colleen, Mike and Megan after rehearsal
Mackinac Island, Michigan
June 21, 2007

Me, Dad C, Mike and Mom C after rehearsal

Mike and I after rehearsal
This island is beautiful!

The whole family, minus Jimmy!

Mom and Dad C on our bike ride around the island!
Mackinac Island, Michigan
June 22, 2007

We went for the Tandom!
Anyone watching us on take off #1 was certainly entertained ;-)
We got the hang of it eventually though, and never fell ;-)

Wooden boardwalk near the edge of town.

Colleen sang a beautiful song during the ceremony :)

Buch-momma and Buch-daddy -- it's official!
Mission Point Resort
Mackinac Island, Michigan
June 22, 2007

Horse drawn carriage ride for the wedding party!

These chairs were awesome!

The only place in Michigan where I'll ever go by choice....

Mike and I at the reception.

The happy couple dancing :)

Mike and Colleen :)

Island hills --- pretty houses!

Early Morning


  1. Yes! Come south! But be careful... the trip down here is so boring - there is no good way to get here! Be ready to read, sleep and look at nothing but flat boring land. Just ask Kate! But it will be worth it to get down here... again, not because of the area but ME! (Ok, Jarrod too!)

  2. Yes, Tiff is worth the most boring trip ever (so is Jarrod) You guys are as busy, or more busy, than we are...I didn't think that was possible. We'll catch up in August when we take the 11 day trek to Minneapolis for our "wedding" and take many stops along the way...whew...I don't know whether to look forward to it or dread it! (I'll go with look forward to it)
