October 1, 2007

a short trip away

i'm looking forward to the end of this week. and, no, i don't mean the weekend. (though i'm looking forward to that as well.)

on wednesday afternooon i'm driving to lynchburg, va for a two day "afp first course," it's been awhile since i've been to the mountains and i can't imagine a better time of year to visit. the leaves will be colorful, and hopefully the air crisp and cool. the weather forecast at the moment says 80 and sunny, so i'm a bit worried about the crisp and cool part. i'm excited to enjoy a change of scenery, and hoping it helps put that bounce back in my step.

there will be about 20 participants in the program, all fundraising professionals of some sort. there's quite a range of experience and interests, so i'm hoping i can both share and learn a lot. the course is essentially an "intro to development" (and a good refresher course for those who have been in the field for while). it can be used to meet continuing education requirements for certification from c.f.r.e. international (the only organization capable of certifying fund raising "executives"), and i'm hoping that means it's a worthwhile investment.

although i will undoubtedly miss my husband and my dogs, i'm looking forward to getting away for a few days, breathing fresh air, meeting new people and learning fresh perspectives. it's a trip that will be good for mind, body and soul.

wednesday cannot come soon enough!


  1. Enjoy the mountains!

    The game is Sat. Nov. 3. Roger and I are new Wisconsin fans so not as die hard as you all, but love any excuse to get together.

  2. have fun! I'm going to the mtns on Thursday and Friday myself!

  3. Do not work! Once the sessions are over, do something good for yourself, whether it's a nice dinner out with a new friend, taking a bubble bath, or indulging in a book or movie.

