who is willing to listen to your ranting and complaining, even if it's something he or she has heard many times and really can't change.
i'm almost positive i spent approximately 2 hours doing just that tonight. some things have me so frustrated that i could probably rant for hours a day --- luckily (for everyone who knows me), i try to keep these thoughts bottled up most of the time. while it's been especially hard for me to be chipper and excited about certain aspects of my life over the past few weeks, i usually manage to keep it from affecting (i hope) those around me. the consequences of bottling things up became evident about 3 weeks ago when i bawled so hard and so long that i actually made myself sick. it was most definitely the worst meltdown i can recall having --- ever. since then, i've tried hard to let enough frustration and anger out so that nothing like it happens again.
luckily (this time for me), one of my friends has a knack for listening to everything, offering just enough feedback to make me feel better and occasionally suggesting ways to make things better overall. we've both come to the conclusion that i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and there aren't too many options.... but she still listens. sometimes, that's really all you need. someone who knows you're not expecting an answer to every question or a solution to every problem ---- just someone who listens and empathizes with your "story."
i've always made it a point to be a good listener and to offer advice when i can. i certainly appreciate having friends who do the same!
New illusion exhibition
2 months ago
girlfriend, that's what friends are for...If you ever need anything, let me know...I'm good for lots of girl days/nights out: movies, comedy clubs, an afternoon at Starbucks or MacArthur Center, to a bar for an adult drink, or game night...give me a call when you need to let it out! :-)