December 4, 2007

short and sweet ....

i feel a tad like a machine ....

i'm in charge of a 7,000 letter annual campaign at work and after a few delays, it's finally time for stuffing. we received all these letters at the office yesterday around 1:45pm and i dropped 2,271 (yes, i counted them -- because i had to) at the bulk mail post office at noon today. five of us stuffed up a storm yesterday afternoon and i managed to get about 400 done myself last night while i anxiously prayed for the ravens to beat the patriots (alas, no luck there). i will be able to drop another 2,000+ tomorrow morning. tonight, in less than four hours, i stuffed 729 envelopes with letters, inserts and wallet flap envelopes. two things i know for sure ---- i need a massage after this like the tin man needs oil (or a heart?) .... and i haven't missed that darned computer monitor of mine at all.

remind me though, why did i get that degree again? i will be happy to get away from mind-numbing tasks and back to something that requires some thought. at any rate, only 2,500 letters to go and i think that might get done tomorrow!!! thursday cannot get here soon enough!!!

more updates on how we're doing soon.


  1. i do NOT miss stuffing envelopes at all!!!!! but i would help you if i was there!

  2. Jes,

    Don't you loathe those major and mindless tasks? They drain us.

    All was quiet today ... no sounds of mail machines (ha)!

    Let's skip Starbucks. I've discovered a new treat at Bad Ass called Almond Joy. Maybe we can do both!

    Get your rest.
